Home Disclosure


by RA

Disclosure Policies for JustCandyRecipes.com: Transparency and Trust

At JustCandyRecipes.com, we hold our credibility and your trust in the highest regard. This disclosure policy lays out the way we operate, how we earn revenue, and how we preserve our commitment to unbiased content.

Affiliate Relationships and Content Creation

We foster affiliate relationships to compensate our writers, researchers, developers, editors, and staff for their work. However, these relationships don’t influence our reviews or the products we include in our articles. All reviews and articles are written independently before establishing any affiliate relationships.

Our content spans a variety of topics and comes in several forms, such as tutorials, tips, reviews, or news pieces. Many topics are based on our visitors’ requests. If you want to see a particular product reviewed, feel free to contact us. We continually monitor our content’s reception and take your feedback seriously.

Comment Moderation

We maintain an open comment policy and encourage discussion on our articles. To ensure a positive environment, we moderate comments, only editing them for grammar, spelling, and appropriateness. We don’t publish irrelevant, abusive, offensive, spammy, or duplicate comments.

Affiliate Links and Compensation

Our content may contain affiliate links. For example, if we review a particular candy, we will provide links to that product. If you follow the link and make a purchase, we may earn a commission. These commissions fund our operations and the creation of future content.

Following FTC Guidelines

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has set guidelines to ensure endorsements in digital advertising are honest. We adhere to these guidelines and aim to help you make informed and unbiased purchasing decisions.

Compensation Disclosure

We are transparent about our affiliate relationships and the potential compensation we may receive. The law mandates that we disclose these relationships to you.

  1. Material Affiliation

Unless otherwise stated, assume there is a material connection between us and the products or services we mention. We recommend products based on our personal experiences or thorough research.

  1. Potential Bias

While we strive to provide accurate and unbiased information, our material connections to the products or services might cause a slight bias. Despite this, we only recommend products that we believe in.

  1. Compensation

We may receive compensation in the form of money, services, or complimentary products from our affiliate relationships. If you purchase a product through our affiliate links, we may receive compensation.

  1. Purpose of this Disclosure Statement

We created this disclosure statement to inform you of our material connections and the potential compensation we might receive. We are committed to honesty and transparency in our relationship with you.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or a product we’ve mentioned, feel free to contact us.



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